Be a Queen and know your worth.


I am so sick and tired of females saying phrases like, “I am the main bitch.” and “He may have slept with you but he comes home to me and his kids every night.” WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Are you that insecure about yourself that you are willing to be the “main chick?” Ladies it is time we put the side chick in the gutter where she belong and it starts by knowing your worth. Continue reading

100-plus Ways to Promote Your Book for FREE

This is some pretty useful information.

Savvy Writers & e-Books online




You might have read and saved already almost a hundred websites to announce your book for FREE from these reader communities and blogs*:

However, there are even more possibilities to promote your book without incurring costs:

1. Show off your cover image
To submit a cover image of your book including a description / link – if it is an outstanding and creative book cover, show it here for free:

2. Use photo-sharing sites to show your cover image

3. Participate in a cover image contest
E-book Cover Design Awards by Joel Friedlander, for example this one here:

4. Show your book trailer everywhere
Upload your trailer not only on your website and blog, but also on Goodreads, Amazon, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and FB, but also on more than twenty major sharing sites, starting with YouTube…

View original post 393 more words

Let your walls tell your story

I am now in a place big enough for me and my family…AND I LOVE IT!!! Everything about it just says comfort, secure and livable. The only thing is that I have NEVER had to decorate a place. My mother decorated my first place and any place after that I just put my furniture in there and just….lived. Now that I am married and have three little one I want my home to have some personality.  Continue reading



Sometimes I feel like just giving up. I think if I drop something then maybe I could get that little bit of extra sleep I wish I had or that extra time to relax. I want the chance to spend time with friends and family on the weekends without worrying about missing work. Continue reading

Friday Five Favorite Male Actors…OK..EYE CANDY!! :)

Now of course these are some great actors that played in outstanding movies and television shows. But come on! You have to admit they do add some pretty good eye candy for the television screen. ♥♥♥

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Music Video of the week

Rhianna and Shakira teamed up to make this amazing song and video, “Can’t Remember To Forget You.” It is a very hot and sexy video which is a must see. You can download the song on iTunes. In an interview with Glamour magazine, Shakira quotes, “She’s the sexiest woman on the planet.”

A Woman’s Body Through the Eye’s of A Man


       One thing we as women have in common is that we have a sense of noticing things men usually don’t. We will notice an odd birthmark, stretch marks, one breast that is bigger than the other, hips too wide and many other things among millions. Some of us will actually sit in the mirror and find things that are wrong with us. Through research I have found that some(adult men) don’t look for the imperfections (as we would call them). They see what makes you the beautiful queen that you are. Continue reading

GA Snow affects traffic

Over 900 car accidents later and 6 fires (one including a Marta train.), GA interstates are still gridlocked. There are people still locked in their cars and places of employment as well as in schools. Places such as the Civic Center, restaurants nearby interstates and gas stations are still open for those seeking shelter. There are even a few civilians walking around the interstate giving away food and water. Continue reading